Energy Protection: Common Mistakes New Tarot Readers Make (And How to Fix Them)
Energy Protection: Common Mistakes New Tarot Readers Make (And How to Fix Them)

Reading tarot isn’t just about interpreting cards—it’s also about managing energy. Without proper protection, sessions can drain the reader, blur intuitive insights, and even invite unwanted influences. Many beginners unknowingly open themselves up to energetic imbalances. Here are common mistakes new tarot readers make and practical ways to correct them.

1. Skipping Grounding Before Readings

Grounding anchors the reader’s energy, providing stability before tapping into intuitive work. Without it, energy may become scattered, leading to unclear readings or exhaustion.

How to Fix It:

  • Stand barefoot on the ground, visualize roots extending from your feet into the earth.
  • Use grounding crystals like black tourmaline or hematite.
  • Take a few deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of your body connecting to the present moment.

2. Forgetting to Set an Energetic Boundary

Without boundaries, external energies can seep in, influencing the reading and leaving the reader feeling drained or overwhelmed.

How to Fix It:

  • Before a reading, visualize a protective bubble surrounding you.
  • Set an intention: “Only messages for the highest good are welcome.”
  • Use a protective talisman, such as an amulet or a charged crystal.

3. Not Clearing the Deck Regularly

A tarot deck absorbs energy with each use. If left uncleared, residual energies can cloud future readings.

How to Fix It:

  • Knock on the deck three times before and after each reading.
  • Store the deck with a piece of selenite or clear quartz.
  • Smoke cleanse with sage, palo santo, or incense.

4. Allowing Too Many People to Handle the Deck

Every person carries their own energy. Allowing others to touch the deck can create energetic imbalances.

How to Fix It:

  • Set boundaries—if sharing, cleanse the deck afterward.
  • Designate one deck for personal use and another for readings with others.
  • Keep the deck wrapped in a cloth or stored in a special box to maintain its energetic integrity.

5. Ignoring Personal Energy Levels

Reading tarot while tired, anxious, or emotionally overwhelmed can distort interpretations.

How to Fix It:

  • Check in with yourself before each reading. If feeling off, take a moment to recenter.
  • Use breathwork, meditation, or a short ritual to align your energy.
  • Hydrate and eat well before sessions to maintain physical and energetic balance.

6. Not Protecting the Reading Space

A cluttered or unprotected space can interfere with energetic flow, making readings feel heavy or unclear.

How to Fix It:

  • Regularly cleanse the space with sound (bells, singing bowls) or smudging.
  • Keep a designated reading area free from distractions.
  • Use protective symbols like a pentacle, hamsa, or anointing oils on the reading table.

7. Overloading with Too Many Readings

Excessive readings in a short time can lead to energetic burnout and clouded intuition.

How to Fix It:

  • Set limits on how many readings you do in a day.
  • Take breaks to reset your energy.
  • Practice self-care rituals to replenish your strength.

8. Disregarding Emotional Detachment

Getting too emotionally involved in a reading can skew interpretations and drain energy.

How to Fix It:

  • Approach readings with an open but neutral mindset.
  • Use a closing ritual to disconnect after each session.
  • Keep a journal to process any lingering emotions separately from the tarot.

9. Ignoring Intuitive Red Flags

Not every reading flows smoothly. Ignoring gut feelings can lead to inaccurate readings or unwanted energetic exchanges.

How to Fix It:

  • If something feels off, pause and reset.
  • Trust instincts—if a question or querent feels energetically draining, it’s okay to decline.
  • Use discernment when interpreting messages; not every card should be taken at face value.

10. Failing to Close the Session Properly

Leaving a session open energetically can create lingering attachments or leave the reader feeling unbalanced.

How to Fix It:

  • Always thank the cards and the energies present.
  • Use a closing statement: “This reading is complete. I release any lingering energy.”
  • Physically cleanse hands, touch a grounding object, or step outside for fresh air.

New tarot readers often focus on card meanings while overlooking the energetic side of the practice. Strengthening energy protection habits ensures clearer readings, prevents fatigue, and fosters a balanced, intuitive connection. By addressing these common mistakes, readers create a sustainable, fulfilling tarot practice that feels safe and empowering.

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